Hi everyone,
I used to own a great business with just a few employees making great income back in 1997 till 2003. Put a down payment on a property to build a house on with a temporary broken down trailer for temporary living till done. Things were looking up for our family. Now in 2021 still living in the condemned trailer and a one person minimum SSD monthly check to live on. I thank God for what I do have over being homeless.
One day we left to buy supplies for the business in 2003. I was stopped to make a left turn when I got rear ended by a steel hauler loaded with about 65,000 pounds of steel doing about 55/60 and never hit his breaks. Needless to say was pretty much the day my American Dream ended. I was disabled permanently and applied for SSD to no avail. They said I was eligible but couldn’t collect due to a point system I missed by a minimal number. Then we were stopped at a light several years later 2008 when a couple vehicles were playing chicken and the back person slammed us in the rear and permanently fractured my husband’s back among other injuries and Totaled out my newly bought truck as I was on my way to the Sec. of State to plate it. State Farm was like a bad nightmare every step of the way and caused us to go broke from the 1st accident. The second accident we had Progressive and got a letter NOT asking how we were feeling but telling us we Better Not Sue them. LOL…During this time on my hands I started playing around on the net and low and behold I knew something was off all my life then finding out everything I have learned in and out of school my whole life has been a lie was devastating to say the least at 50 yrs. old. Then I realized Obomber was an illegal plant and dug deeper and been fully awake since 2009. This World is being taken over by pure EVIL Within our own government & more. I have made it my sole purpose to be online waking people up to what we MUST fix ASAP or lose our divinity to these Evil Leader’s. And now they have Covaids 19 Injections to do just that. You can use my platform for almost any subject you want BUT NO filth/porn. This is my social life so let’s make it fun and informative. We need to unite and stop the division they have been doing for thousands of years just to control us. We are all made from the image of God and ALL have the same his blood running through us. It is TIME we realize that and put these Luciferian’s Out of Commission. Freedom of Speech is always welcome here as I LOVE MY USA CONSTITUTION. It is TIME we ALL walk as ONE UNITED Under Our God and Out of the Chains of Slavery and we need to have the attitude that Where We Go One We Go All & stand up for each other in these times of change.
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